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Forsyth County Arrest Records

Forsyth County arrests become necessary when there is good reason (probable cause) to believe someone has committed a crime. After the arrest, law enforcement agents would often book the offender book at the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office or the closest police department. If bail is not possible, offenders are typically held in custody at the Forsyth County Jail, which is managed and operated by the Sheriff's Office.

The Sheriff's Office is responsible for generating arrest records at the county level. These are part of the public records and are closely related to Forsyth County Court Records. Such records contain information about the court proceedings related to the arrest, such as charges, hearings, and outcomes, which are crucial for understanding the Forsyth County criminal justice process.

Are Arrest Records Public in Forsyth County?

Yes. According to the Georgia Open Records Law, all physical and electronically generated arrest records stored and maintained by government agencies during arrests and bookings are open records that the general public can view, inspect, or copy. Therefore, GORA protects the public's liberty to receive public arrest records in the care of Forsyth County law enforcement agencies.

However, the Law allows enforcement agencies to restrict the public disclosure of records that may threaten a pending investigation or prosecution or a person's life or safety.

Arrest records exempted under GORA include:

  • Birth certificate
  • Identity of confidential informants
  • Child abuse reports (where confidential)
  • Credit card and debit card information
  • Federal records exempted by law
  • Juvenile records
  • Name and identity of any victim of sex crime
  • Records related to child abuse
  • Social Security number
  • Bank account information
  • Records on ongoing criminal investigation
  • Wiretaps (records/documents)

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

Forsyth County arrest records usually include the following information:

  • An arrestee's complete name (first, middle, and last), age, and address
  • An arrestee's physical features (ethnicity, gender, height, weight, eye color, hair color, scars/tattoos/marks)
  • The arresting agency
  • Arrest date and time
  • Charge(s) and crime classification (e.g., whether an offense is a felony or misdemeanor)
  • Bond information (type and amount)
  • Warrant information, if any

Forsyth County Crime Rate

According to the 2022 National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) statistics, the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office reported 122 violent crime incidents in 2022. This figure shows an 8.96% decline compared to 2021 figures (134 incidents).

Further analysis of the violent crime incidents in Forsyth County in 2022 showed that aggravated assault constituted the majority, with 87 incidents making up 71.31% of all reported violent offenses. Other significant violent crime types were rape (24 incidents), robbery (9 incidents), and homicide (2 incidents), constituting 19.67%, 7.38%, and 1.64%, respectively.

The NIBRS statistics also indicated that the property crime rate in Forsyth County decreased by 15.00% between 2021 (1,214 incidents) and 2022 (1,032 incidents). Further analysis showed that larceny-theft (873 incidents) was the most prevalent property crime, followed by burglary (101 incidents) and motor vehicle theft (58 incidents), with 84.59%, 9.78%, and 5.62%, respectively, of all reported property crimes.

Forsyth County Arrest Statistics

According to the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) statistics, the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office made 3,448 arrests in 2022. The most prevalent offense that dominated the arrest records was 'All Other Offenses (Except Traffic),' constituting 40.20% (1383) of the arrests. This was followed by individuals arrested for driving under the influence, with 25.48% (897) and 15.13% (522) for drug abuse violations. Individuals arrested for simple assault, larceny theft, and aggravated assault constituted 10.09% (348), 3.62% (125), and 1.48% (51), respectively.

In a 2023 Inmate Statistical Profile by the Georgia Department of Corrections, there were 66 Forsyth County inmates in state correctional facilities. The gender distribution showed that 56 (84.85%) were male, while 10 (15.15%) were female. When compared with inmates who originated from other counties, Forsyth County inmates represented less than 1% of total inmates.

Statistical figures of Forsyth County inmates released between January and December from state prisons in the same year revealed that 47 (82.46%) were male inmates and 10 (17.54%) were female. Forsyth County inmates accounted for 0.43% of total inmates from Georgia counties.

Find Forsyth County Arrest Records

Requesters of Forsyth County arrest records should explore the Georgia Department of Corrections’s Offenders Search tool. The database contains records on convicted and detained offenders in the state. Visitors can search by name or description, including the offender's first and last name, gender, race, and age range.

The search application returns results on active and inactive offenders, including physical description and incarceration details comprising current and prior sentences and imprisonment history.

For individuals looking for federal inmates held in Forsyth County holding facilities or inmates arrested by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Federal Inmate Locator and the Online Detainee Locator System, respectively, are excellent search tools to adopt. In instances where locational details are available, interested persons can search for the location of the Federal Bureau of Prison or ICE facilities in Georgia.

Free Arrest Record Search in Forsyth County

Persons who wish to obtain Forsyth County arrest records may contact police departments and precincts within the county, such as the Cumming Police Department or the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office. Given that law enforcement officials usually conduct arrests and bookings at the closest police department, requesters should consider visiting the precinct closest to where an arrest of interest took place.

Visitors to the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office website can also access an online search tool for arrest records for free. Inquirers can use the tool to search by name, date of birth, address, case number, and charges. For interested persons who prefer to make a records request in person or by mail, the Sheriff's Office is situated at:

100 East Courthouse Square Cumming,
GA 30040
Phone: (770) 781-2222

Alternatively, Forsyth County arrest records searchers can conduct an Inmate Lookup through the County Jail's website or visit the jail facility in person. The Forsyth County Jail is located at:

Forsyth County Jail
202 Veterans Memorial Blvd. Cumming,
GA. 30040
24 Hour Line: (770) 781-2226

Requesters must beware that while searching for Forsyth County arrest records is free, obtaining copies via mail or electronically may attract a fee.

Get Forsyth County Criminal Records

A criminal record, often known as a criminal history or rap sheet, is a document that details a person's interactions with the criminal justice system. The file includes interactions with law enforcement and the courts, such as arrests, detentions, and convictions.

Individuals in Forsyth County can acquire criminal records from the Permits and Ordinances Unit of the County Sheriff's Office. The Unit charges fees to conduct criminal history background checks. The following are the prices for different criminal history background check purposes:

  • Employment $15
  • County contractors $20
  • Alcohol Permits $20
  • Adoption $15
  • Massage permit's $25
  • Door-to-door solicitors $20
  • Real estate licenses $15
  • Personal request of $15
  • Police Clearance Letter $15

Inquirers seeking further details on the process may contact the Sheriff’s Office at:

Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office Headquarters
Permits and Ordinances
100 East Courthouse Sq. Cumming,
GA 30040
Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday
Phone: (770) 781-2105

The Sheriff's Office expects applicants to submit a valid government-issued photo ID, and cash, MasterCard, and Visa are accepted forms of payment.

Forsyth County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

In Forsyth County, arrest records are official records that detail a person's arrests but not their sentences. Forsyth arrest records usually include information such as the date of arrest, the allegations, and the arresting agency. For example, a DUI accusation from the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office may appear on an arrest record.

On the other hand, criminal records, including convictions, detail a person's criminal past. For example, if someone were convicted of arson in Georgia State Court, their criminal record would be available.

Arrest records are available at the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office in person or through the Office Inmate Search tool. Criminal records are available through the Georgia Bureau of Investigation or by requesting court records from the appropriate county courthouse.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

In Georgia, arrests and convictions for state law misdemeanors and felonies typically remain indefinitely on a person's criminal history record. They do not expire or "age off" like traffic offenses on a driving history. However, under Georgia's "Second Chance Law," specific categories of persons convicted of most misdemeanor offenses can apply to have those convictions restricted or sealed.

Expunge Forsyth County Arrest Records

In Georgia, record restriction is the legal procedure by which certain arrests detailed in a person's criminal history report are hidden from public view. The procedure is backed by O.C.G.A. §35-3-37 and must be authorized by the prosecuting attorney.

Misdemeanors are eligible for record restriction after a two-year waiting period, nonserious crimes or felony sexual offenses involving a victim under the age of 16 after a four-year waiting period, and non-serious traffic offenses as defined in Title 40.

The approach to record restriction differs according to the date of arrest. For arrests before July 1, 2013, applicants must file a Request to Restrict Arrest Record form to the arresting law enforcement agency. Applicants arrested on or after July 1, 2013, should contact the prosecutor's office directly. The prosecutor has 90 days to approve or deny the request.

The Georgia Crime Information Center (GCIC) handles requests for record restrictions at P.O. Box 370808 in Decatur, Georgia 30037-0808.

The GCIC usually handles applications within two to three weeks and sends mail notifications to applicants when they are completed. If a request is denied, the applicant has 30 days to appeal the decision to the county's superior court.

To ensure a hitch-free record restriction process, requesters must review the instructions for record restriction requests and Georgia's law regarding time-expired restrictions.

Forsyth County Arrest Warrants

An arrest warrant is a legal order issued by a judge or magistrate authorizing law enforcement to detain a person suspected of a crime. In Forsyth County, a court grants a warrant based on probable cause, supported by an affidavit outlining the alleged crime, the suspect's identification, and other relevant facts. Following the arrest of an offender, law enforcement agents would book the suspect at a police department or the Sheriff’s Office and remand them at the County Jail if the courts do not grant bail immediately.

A Forsyth County arrest warrant must include the offense, any law codes, and the victim's identity. It is often issued when law enforcement has amassed sufficient evidence to warrant an arrest but needs judicial authority to proceed. The warrant guarantees arrests are made following due process, preserving individuals' rights and allowing law enforcement to implement them correctly.

Forsyth County Arrest Warrant Search

Anyone seeking active Forsyth County arrest warrants can contact the Sheriff's Office Warrant Unit. The Warrant Unit has a warrant and wanted person file in its database and publishes a list of wanted persons on its website.

As a result, requesters can fill out a record request form on the Sheriff's Office website or come into the office in person. The Sheriff’s Office expects applicants to have their government-issued ID card on them when visiting the Sheriff's Office or the County Jail for active warrant information.

Do Forsyth County Arrest Warrants Expire?

Forsyth County arrest warrants do not expire. If they did, offenders would be encouraged to try to avoid arrest or prosecution. The only way an arrest warrant can expire is if the wanted person appears in front of a judge, dies, or the judge decides to cancel the warrant.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!