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Forsyth County Court Records

Forsyth Court records provide information related to court activities. Such records may detail case parties, legal representatives, and summaries of court events. Court records typically feature different content based on the case type or other factors. For example, criminal court records may contain arrest information, sentencing information, and docket entries. In comparison, judicial court records may show data on hearings and trials, including exhibits offered as evidence. The Forsyth County Clerk of Court’s Office maintains and answers requests for court records.

Note: Public members or legal representatives may use the records as evidence in future legal cases. 

Are Court Records Public in Forsyth County?

According to the Georgia Open Records Act of 1959, members of the public can access most court records in courthouses statewide. However, access to some documents, such as those about juvenile proceedings, may be restricted due to sensitive information. Additionally, sealed court records are only partly unavailable, as authorized persons can still access them.

Forsyth County Court Records Search

County residents can use the online self-serve Smart Search Record Tool to search for court records. This tool requires users to register before they can conduct searches. To complete a search, a person must input the file number or the full names of the parties involved in the case. Alternatively, requesters can visit the Clerk of Court’s office’s physical address, located at: 

101 East Courthouse Square
First Floor - Suite 1007
Cumming, GA 30040

Forsyth County Court Records Search by Name

The Smart Search Record Tool allows users to complete searches by name. All they need to provide are the names of any parties involved in the case. However, these searches may not be as precise as users would prefer.

Forsyth County Courts

Forsyth County has eight courts within its court system, and they are: 

  1. Superior Courts:  They typically have jurisdiction over criminal and civil cases outside the purview of other courts. This court is located at: 
    Forsyth County Superior Court
    101 East Courthouse Square, Room 1007, 
    Cumming, GA 30040
    Phone: 770-781-2120
    Fax: 678-807-1381
  2. State Courts: State courts preside over criminal and civil matters as prescribed by state law. This court is located at:
    State Court of Forsyth County
    101 East Courthouse Square, Room 1007, 
    Cumming, GA 30040
    Phone: 770-781-2120
    Fax: 678-807-1381
  3. Juvenile Courts are the only courts permitted to decide matters about allegedly delinquent, unruly or deprived children. 
    Forsyth County Juvenile Court
    875 Lanier 400 Parkway, Suite 100, 
    Cumming, GA 30040
    Phone: 770-781-3099
    Fax: 770-781-3089
  4. Probate Courts: These courts possess original exclusive jurisdiction over probate matters, such as the administration of wills and estates, guardianships and conservatorships of minors or incompetent persons. This court is located at: 
    Probate Court of Forsyth County
    100 West Courthouse Square, Suite 008, 
    Cumming, GA 30040
    Phone: 770-781-2140
    Fax: 770-886-2839
  5. Magistrate Courts: These courts preside over certain criminal and civil matters. This court is located at:
    Forsyth County Magistrate Court
    1090 Tribble Gap Road, 
    Cumming, GA 30040
    Phone: 770-781-2211
    Fax: 770-844-7581 
  6. Municipal Court of Cumming: This court has limited jurisdiction to decide cases involving municipal ordinance violations and preliminary hearings for certain criminal cases. It is located at:
    Municipal Court of Cumming
    301 Veterans Memorial Boulevard, 
    Cumming, GA 30040
    Phone: 770-781-2002

Forsyth County District Court Records

The Forsyth County Superior Court is the equivalent of a District Court. It possesses general jurisdiction over criminal and civil proceedings beyond the reach of other courts. The court hears criminal cases such as felonies, lesser-included offenses, and misdemeanors. Meanwhile, civil cases at the Superior Court include equity, title to real property, and domestic relations. 

The Clerk of the Superior Court maintains court records emanating from the Superior Court. Interested individuals can search for court records through the search tool provided by the clerk’s office. Record seekers can look up details of civil and criminal cases by inputting the party’s name, case status, and the date the case took place. They can also go to the office to access these documents. 

Forsyth County Criminal Records

Persons searching for Forsyth County criminal records can do so at the Permits and Ordinance Unit of the Sheriff's Office. The office is responsible for maintaining criminal history information and Forsyth County arrest records, as well as performing background checks. Interested persons may submit a query at the Unit in person to obtain criminal history records during office hours. Applicants must submit the name, date of birth, gender, and social security number of the party they are searching for name-based requests. They must also provide a government-issued ID. 

However, fingerprint-based requests require a different process. This process requires the subject to book an appointment with the Ordinance Unit.

Note: Interested parties will have to pay a $15 fee for each copy requested for employment, adoption, real estate licenses, and personal use purposes. However, records for all other objectives cost $20 or more. The Permits and Ordinance Unit is located at:

Sheriff's Office Headquarters
100 East Courthouse Sq.,
Cumming, GA
(770) 781-2105

Forsyth County Criminal Court Case Lookup

County residents can use the Smart Search Record Tool to look up Forsyth County criminal court cases. The portal allows users to find criminal cases that have taken place within and outside the county. To complete a search, a user must input the plaintiff/defendant's name, the case file number, the approximate date of filing, and the litigant's name. Lookups can also be done in person at: 

101 East Courthouse Square
First Floor - Suite 1007
Cumming, GA 30040
Phone: (770) 781-2120
Fax: (678) 807-1381

Get Forsyth County Civil Court Records

Record seekers can find civil court records in Forsyth County through the Smart Search Record Tool or by visiting the Clerk of Court’s office at: 

101 East Courthouse Square
First Floor - Suite 1007
Cumming, GA 30040

However, not all civil records are available to the general public. For example, according to Georgia Code § 15-11-701, courts can seal civil records about a victim of a sexual offense. Also, under Rule 21 of the Uniform Rules of the Superior Court, a court can restrict records if it finds that the harm of exposing such records outweighs the public interest.

Forsyth County Family Court Records

The Family Court Division of the Superior Court handles family law cases in Forsyth County. The court has jurisdiction over matters related to child support, custody, child abuse, domestic violence, legitimacy, and paternity. Interested parties can find family court records using the Smart Search Record Tool. They can also visit the Clerk of the Superior Court’s office to obtain these records.

Forsyth County Marriage and Divorce Records

Record seekers can obtain marriage and divorce records in Forsyth County, with each record requiring different procedures to get them. 

Divorce Records

Forsyth County divorce records are maintained and issued by the office of the Clerk of Courts. The Office manages the Smart Search Record Tool, which provides interested persons access to divorce records. They may also access these records by making in-person or mail requests to the clerk's office. Furthermore, the requesting party needs to know and supply information regarding the divorce, including the spouses’ names, the filing date, and the case number.

Interested should make in-person and mail requests to:

101 East Courthouse Square
First Floor - Suite 1007
Cumming, GA 30040 
Phone: (770) 781-2120
Fax: (678) 807-1381

Marriage Records

Interested parties seeking marriage records will have to do so through the Forsyth County Probate Court. The court is tasked with keeping marriage records. Searchers can make in-person inquiries at the Probate court to obtain these records.

Individuals must present a valid means of identification and details regarding the marriage record. These details include the names of the spouses (including any maiden names), the date and place of the marriage, and the marriage certificate number. Forsyth County residents can make requests to:

Forsyth County Probate Court
100 West Courthouse Square,
Suite 008
Cumming, GA 30040
Phone: (770) 781-2140
Fax: (770) 886-2839

Forsyth Birth and Death Records

The Vital Records Unit of the Georgia Department of Public Health maintains all birth and death records. According to state law, the department only permits the registrant, their immediate family member, legal representative, and authorized persons to access the department's birth certificates or death records.

Eligible parties can use the Birth Record Request Form or a Death Record Request Form to request these records. The applications must be completed, notarized, accompanied by the indicated fees and ID requirements, and delivered via mail or in person to:

State Office Of Vital Records
1680 Phoenix Blvd.
Suite 100,
Atlanta, GA 30349
Phone: (404) 679-4702

Forsyth County Probate Court Records

The Probate Court of Forsyth County presides over all probate matters. It oversees cases involving will and estate administration, guardianships, and conservatorships. Interested parties can get records of cases heard at the Probate Court by visiting the Clerk of Court’s office where these records are. They can also use the Smart Search Record Tool to look for records online. 

Forsyth County Property Records

Forsyth County property ownership records are public documents that people can access freely. Record seekers must visit the Superior Court clerk’s office to obtain property records. Before searching, interested parties must first determine the address of the property and the county in which it is located. Additionally, requesting certified copies of these may come with a fee. County residents can use the Property Index Search portal for property records. To do so, they must input information such as the property owner's name and the type of property record. 

Forsyth County Court Records Online

Interested persons can also find Forsyth County court records on third-party websites. Third-party websites like are non-government platforms with tools that allow for broad searches. With just the parties’ names and locations, users can search third-party websites for numerous simultaneously. However, government agencies do not sponsor third-party sites. As a result, record availability and results may vary.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!