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Dekalb County Arrest Records

DeKalb County arrest records provide detailed accounts of individuals taken into custody, including the offenses leading to their arrest. Typically, arrests occur when law enforcement officers have probable cause to believe an individual has committed a crime. Following an arrest, the individual is usually transported by the arresting agency DeKalb County Jail, where they are booked and held until they are either released on bail or the charges against them are dropped.

The DeKalb County Sheriff's Office generates and maintains these arrest records. These records are primarily generated during the booking process and featured within an individual's criminal records. However, they may also be included within DeKalb County Court Records if their arrest results in a judicial proceeding. Arrest records specifically document the details of a person's detainment and any resulting charges.

Under the Georgia Open Records Act, arrest records are classified as public records and are generally accessible to the public, except in cases where specific exemptions apply.

Are Arrest Records Public in Dekalb County?

Yes. Arrest records in Dekalb County are considered public per the state's public records law. The law prescribes that arrest information, including details collected during the booking process, be accessible to interested members of the public. However, certain categories of arrest records are exempt from public disclosure. This includes:

  • Case files and investigative records that are the subject of an ongoing investigation or those pertaining to a pending or ongoing prosecution.
  • Any arrest records that would disclose the identity of a confidential source or endanger the life or physical safety of any person

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

In Dekalb County, public arrest record information encompasses details that are disclosable to the public unless otherwise specified by court order. These include:

  • Arestees full name
  • Race
  • Sex
  • Booking time
  • Booking date
  • Year of birth
  • Arresting agency
  • Release time and date
  • Charge
  • Crime type
  • Bond information (if the bond/bail was posted)
  • Bond amount
  • Police case number
  • Court jurisdiction
  • Court date

Dekalb County Crime Rate

According to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation's UCR program, Dekalb County law enforcement agencies reported 27,732 crimes in 2021. A look at the county's violent crime statistics shows 151 murders, 325 rapes, 1,021 robberies, and 3,907 reports of aggravated assaults. For property crimes, there were more than 2,600 robberies, over 15,900 reports of larceny-theft, and 3,576 motor vehicle thefts.

Dekalb County Arrest Statistics

Along with crime statistics, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation publishes arrest statistics for Georgia counties. Interested members of the public may obtain this information by perusing the 2023 annual report or querying the County Sheriff's Office directly.

Find Dekalb County Arrest Records

Interested individuals can request DeKalb County arrest records at any law enforcement office within the county. The DeKalb County Sheriff's Office and the DeKalb County Police Department are primary sources for these records. Additionally, federal and state agencies, such as the Georgia State Patrol DeKalb Division, also conduct arrests in the county.

Each office has its own policies and fees for processing and providing arrest records. To obtain an arrest record, contact the Records Bureau or Unit of the law enforcement agency that made the arrest. All DeKalb County law enforcement offices accept requests for arrest records in person, by mail, and electronically. When requesting an arrest record, provide the following information:

  • The name of the arrested individual
  • The arrest record document number (also known as the booking number)
  • The date and time of the arrest
  • The arrestee's date of birth (DOB)

Law enforcement agencies offer access to arrest records online through a third-party service. To use this service, requesters must sign up with their full name, email address, home address, and other personal information. This third-party website allows searches for arrest records using a person's biological information (DOB) and provides results immediately.

Free Arrest Record Search in Dekalb County

Inquirers may find free arrest records in DeKalb County through third-party aggregator websites. These websites compile information from government and other sources into a database accessible to the public. To search any of these websites, requesters will need to provide the individual's name, the name of the arresting agency, and other vital information. The free version of these third-party sources may offer only limited information about a person. For more detailed and comprehensive searches, users may need to pay a one-time fee or a monthly subscription fee.

Additionally, police departments in DeKalb County offer free in-person access to arrest records. Interested individuals can search these records using the department's in-house database in the records room. However, the department charges a fee for those who want to make copies of these records.

Get Dekalb County Criminal Records

Criminal records in DeKalb County are official documents detailing an individual's unlawful activities within the county. According to federal and state law, a person is only deemed a criminal after a court of law has established their guilt. Criminal records typically encompass arrest records, conviction details, and descriptive information about the individual involved.

In compliance with Georgia law, the DeKalb County Sheriff's Office and state law enforcement maintain and provide access to Dekalb County criminal records. To request these records, inquirers must complete the online Open Records Request Form. The requested records can be delivered via mail, fax, or email, or they can be picked up in person at:

Dekalb County Sheriff's Office
4415 Memorial Drive
Decatur, GA 30032

Dekalb County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

Although there are two distinct categories of law enforcement records, the contents of a Dekalb arrest record and a criminal record may overlap. A criminal record, also known as a conviction record, includes details about arrests, convictions, jail terms, warrants, and additional data connecting individuals to the criminal justice system. It is a more comprehensive record, encompassing a person's entire criminal history.

An arrest record may be considered a subset of criminal records. It includes details about an individual's arrest, the reason for the arrest, and bail and bond information. However, it does not indicate whether the individual was found guilty of the offenses for which they were arrested. An arrest record only shows that a person was held in law enforcement custody for a period of time.

Arrest records that do not lead to charges or convictions are usually maintained by the arresting agency that created the record. In contrast, criminal records are collected and stored by a central bureau.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

Dekalb County arrest records stay on a person's file for their entire lifetime and for a few years after their death. However, arrest records for crimes that did not lead to charges or a trial can be automatically restricted from public access. For most felonies, these records are restricted after four years; for major violent or sex-related felonies, the restriction period is seven years. Once restricted, only law enforcement agencies can access these arrest records for criminal justice purposes, while members of the public, including employers, cannot. The only way to completely remove an arrest record from all law enforcement databases is through a process known as expungement.

Expunge Dekalb County Arrest Records

In DeKalb County, Georgia, an individual's arrest record can be expunged under court supervision. Once expunged, the record remains accessible only for criminal justice purposes and is hidden from public view.

Under Georgia's new law, expunging an arrest record is termed "record restriction". This means the record is restricted, not deleted. The court must order this procedure since not all criminal records qualify for expungement. Eligibility depends on the timing of the arrest and whether it resulted in a conviction.

The following categories of arrest records are eligible for expungement in DeKalb County:

  • First-time offenders for minor offenses
  • Misdemeanor convictions
  • Certain felony offenses are not related to murder, sexual assault, or the use of a deadly weapon.
  • For arrest records that did not lead to a conviction, individuals can request expungement from the arresting agency if the arrest occurred before July 1, 2013. If the arrest occurred after July 1, 2013, the request must be made to the clerk of the county court and the prosecuting attorney.

To expunge, remove, or seal arrest information, eligible applicants may follow these steps:

  • Determine eligibility based on the nature of the offense and the date of the arrest.
  • Submit a request for expungement to the appropriate authority: the arresting agency for arrests before July 1, 2013, or the county court clerk and prosecuting attorney for arrests after this date.
  • Await the court's decision to grant or deny the expungement request.
  • This process ensures that eligible arrest records are restricted from public access while remaining available for criminal justice purposes.

Dekalb County Arrest Warrants

An arrest warrant is a formal court order directing a peace officer or law enforcement official to make an arrest. Under Georgia law, arrest warrants are issued when either a citizen or law enforcement personnel present evidence to a court judge to justify its issuance. In most cases, requests for arrest warrants from law enforcement agents are granted immediately. When a citizen submits a written request for a criminal arrest warrant, the judge determines whether to schedule a hearing to review the application.

A warrant application hearing establishes probable cause, meaning there is a valid reason to suspect the accused of committing a crime. During this hearing, the judge decides if there is sufficient probable cause to issue a warrant for the individual's arrest.

A DeKalb arrest warrant typically includes the following information:

  • Details about the alleged offense
  • Information about the suspect
  • The date the warrant was issued
  • The time frame during which the arrest is permitted
  • Terms related to bond and bail
  • Other relevant details
  • The name of the arresting officer

Dekalb County Arrest Warrant Search

Arrest warrants for DeKalb County can be found at the Sheriff's Office and the DeKalb County Police Department's Warrant Division. These offices are responsible for executing arrest warrants issued by the civil and criminal divisions of the DeKalb County magistrate courts. To make a request, the requester must provide identification for the person who might have a warrant. Requests can be made in person or by phone. To inquire about an active arrest warrant, the requester will need to supply the person's first and last name, as well as their date of birth.

Additionally, the magistrate court in DeKalb County is another resource for information on arrest warrants. Court staff can assist interested persons in finding details about any arrest warrants issued through the court.

Do Dekalb County Arrest Warrants Expire?

Arrest warrants in Georgia remain valid until the individual is apprehended. The statute of limitations determines the timeframe within which a person can be prosecuted for a crime, generally two years for misdemeanors and seven years for lesser felonies. This impacts how and when arrest warrants are issued. However, there is no statute of limitations for more severe crimes, such as murder.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!