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Barrow County Arrest Records

Barrow County Arrest Records contain critical information about arrests, such as the charges, booking details, and court dates. Such records provide a comprehensive insight into a person's legal history. Arrests in Barrow County occur when law enforcement officers have reasonable cause to think that an individual has engaged in an unlawful act. After apprehending offenders, the Barrow County Sheriff's Office and other leading local police precincts create arrest records. They are held by local law enforcement but may also be included within Barrow County Court Records.

Are Arrest Records Public in Barrow County?

Yes. According to the Georgia Open Records Act (GORA), documents created and stored during the arrest and booking processes are generally available for public inspection and copying. GORA ensures the rights of members of the public to file public record requests with Barrow County law enforcement authorities.

Still, the Act allows law enforcement personnel to withhold records from public release if they could compromise an active investigation/prosecution or a person's life or safety. Exempt items include:

  • Birth certificate
  • Identity of the secret informants
  • Child abuse reports (when confidential)
  • Credit reports
  • Federal records that are restricted by law.
  • Juvenile records.
  • Name and ID of rape victims
  • Social Security Number
  • Bank account information
  • Confidential tax details
  • Wiretaps (records, documents)

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

Under the Georgia Open Records Act, requesters can access or inspect the following Barrow County arrest record components.

  • Offender's name, birthdate, race, and gender.
  • Booking and Detention Details
  • Arrest Details: (arrest date, arresting agency, and bond amount)
  • The charges against the arrestee.

However, to preserve suspects' anonymity, the Act prohibits posting booking photos on law enforcement agency sites. Requesters seeking such documents must sign an agreement promising not to release the images on any website that charges for the removal or expungement of the photographs.

Barrow County Crime Rate

According to the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), the Barrow County Sheriff’s Office recorded 100 violent crime incidents in 2021 and 66 incidents in 2022. This translates to a 34% decrease in all violent crime incidents between 2021 and 2022.

Further analysis of all violent crime incidents in 2022 showed that aggravated assault was the most prevalent crime, with 80.30% (53 incidents). Other violent crimes include rape, robbery, and homicides, which accounted for 13.64% (9 incidents), 4.55% (3 incidents), and 1.52% (1 incident), respectively.

Regarding all property crimes, the Sheriff’s Office had 852 incidents in 2021 and 702 in 2022. This figure indicates a 17.61% reduction in all property crimes between 2021 and 2022. A breakdown of the types of property crimes involved suggested that larceny-theft was the commonest type, with 84.10% (591 incidents). Others include motor vehicle theft, burglary, and arson, constituting 8.12% (52 incidents), 7.26% (51 incidents), and 0.43% (3 incidents), respectively.

Barrow County Arrest Statistics

According to NIBRS statistics from the Barrow County Sheriff’s Office, 736,000 arrests were made in 2022. Of this figure, law enforcement personnel arrested 60,363 (8.20%) persons for all other offenses besides traffic violations. Individuals arrested for drug abuse violations constituted 3.84% (28,274), while simple assault and driving under the influence accounted for 2.88% (21,206) and 2.63%(19,3160), respectively. Other types of offenses people were arrested for are larceny-theft, aggravated assault, and disorderly conduct, with 14,604 (1.98%), 8446 (1.15%), and 8308 (1.13%), respectively.

Find Barrow County Arrest Records

The Georgia Department of Corrections search tool allows requesters to locate Barrow County arrest records at the state level. This online search tool enables users to find incarcerated offenders in correctional facilities. Therefore, individuals interested in locating offenders can provide their name, ID or case number, age, and any other distinctive information. Requesters may email the Inmate Records and Information at P.O. Box 1529, Forsyth, GA 31029, to confirm the credibility of the information they have received. Additional options include sending an email or calling the Unit at (404) 656-4661.

Free Arrest Record Search in Barrow County

Requesters seeking Barrow County arrest records are advised to begin their inquiry at the Barrow County Sheriff’s Office. Individuals requesting Barrow County arrest records will be billed a research cost equal to the lowest-paid employee's hourly rate. However, the Office will not charge requesters for 15 minutes of study.

In addition, any requests will be charged a $0.10 per page copy or print fee. Inquirers ought to set aside at least three working days for study. They will be notified when their information is ready for pick-up. All open records requests must be sent, in writing/email, or through this form to:

Aleshia Royal, Records Manager,
Barrow County Sheriff's Office,
233 E. Broad Street,
Winder, GA 30680,
(770) 307-3080 ext. 5749

Get Barrow County Criminal Records

Criminal records, also known as rap sheets or criminal histories, are official documents that detail an individual's interactions with the criminal justice system. These records include information about arrests, charges, convictions, and other legal proceedings related to criminal offenses.

The Barrow County Sheriff's Office's Civil/Transport Unit is the source of these records for those requesting background checks on criminal histories. Nonetheless, candidates must consider the following:

  • Applicant must sign a consent form that gives the Barrow County Sheriff's Office the authority to acquire the records.
  • Applicants must produce their driver's license when applying for criminal records.
  • Applicants cannot obtain criminal history records for someone else without a signed consent form.
  • All criminal history checks cost $15.00, and payments can only be made via cash or credit card.

For more information, requesters can contact the Civil/Transport Unit at (770) 307-3080 ext. 3121 or (770) 307-3080 ext. 3084.

Interested parties seeking Barrow County criminal records can obtain them at:

Barrow County Courthouse
Civil/Transport Unit
Monday-Friday 8 am - 4 pm
652 Barrow Park Drive
Winder, GA 30680

Requesters can also access criminal history information via the Georgia Felony Search tool. For more information on how to use this feature, users should check the Frequently Asked Questions page on the State of Georgia's official website.

Barrow County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

Arrest Records

  • Arrest records are government records that clearly document situations where law enforcement agents hold a person in custody based on suspicion of unlawful activity.
  • These records include the date and time of arrest, location, charges filed, and the arresting officer's information.
  • The details of an arrest record are based on the initial arrest and are not necessarily an indication of guilt or conviction on the offender's part.
  • Requesters can obtain Barrow County arrest records from the County Sheriff's Office or the County Jail.
  • Barrow County arrest records constitute historical accounts of a person's relationship with law enforcement.

Criminal Records

  • Criminal records provide an extensive overview of a person's criminal history, including arrests, charges, convictions, and legal proceedings.
  • These records consist of an individual’s entire criminal history, from arrest to sentencing (if applicable).
  • Criminal records comprise both misdemeanor and felony offenses.
  • Courts, state agencies, and law enforcement usually store these records. To access criminal records, eligible requesters must make specific requests or conduct background checks.
  • Criminal records serve various purposes, including background checks, employment screenings, and legal proceedings.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

Under Georgia's law, a person's criminal record of arrests and convictions for misdemeanor and felony offenses will remain on their record indefinitely. However, there's a state "second chance" law that permits individuals to apply to have specific misdemeanor offenses restricted from their criminal history under the following circumstances:

  • The offense in question is a misdemeanor conviction.
  • Sex crime, domestic or family violence cases, child abuse and other offenses against minors, and DUI convictions do not qualify for this opportunity.
  • Interested applicants must have waited four years from their conviction and have no new convictions or pending charges.

Expunge Barrow County Arrest Records

Individuals seeking to expunge their Barrow County criminal records must ensure that they comply with the eligibility requirements below:

Criminal history records that are eligible to be sealed or expunged include:

  • An applicant can have a high or aggravated misdemeanor restricted after a two-year waiting period.
  • A requester may have nonserious felonies or felony sexual offenses involving a victim under 16 years restricted after a four-year waiting period.
  • Nonserious traffic offenses: A requester may have any Title 40 violation that is not banned by Article 15 of Chapter 6 of Title 40 considered for restriction,

Expungement Process

In Georgia, the date of the applicant's arrest and the agency or prosecuting attorney handling their case determine the sealing or restriction of the criminal records process used. Applicants for arrest before July 1, 2013, must first submit their request to the arresting agency, which will then forward the request to the prosecuting attorney's office.

Regarding arrests on or after July 1, 2013, the petitioner must personally get in touch with the office of the prosecuting attorney. The prosecuting attorney could be solicitor-general, district attorney, or Attorney General.

To begin the expungement process, requesters have to complete the following steps:

If the applicant's arrest happened before July 1, 2013, they must complete a Request to Restrict Arrest Record form.

  • When the applicant's arrest occurs following July 1, 2013, they must utilize the form offered by the prosecuting attorney's office.
  • To handle the request, the arresting agency—or the office of the prosecuting attorney—may charge up to $50.
  • In some instances, the arresting agency may request a copy of the applicant's criminal history or the court's final judgment of their case.

Submission of Request:

  • Applicants must follow the arresting agency's or prosecuting attorney's instructions.
  • Applicants must submit approved requests to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation's Georgia Crime Information Center (GCIC) to remove the arrest from their public record.
  • If the prosecutor has granted the request but is unable to access the GCIC database, the applicant must forward the approved application together with processing fees to the GCIC directly.
  • Applicants should mail their filled application and payment to:

Georgia Crime Information Center Record Restrictions
P.O. Box 370808
Decatur, Georgia 30037-0808

  • Usually, GCIC handles detailed record restriction requests within two to three weeks.

Barrow County Arrest Warrants

An arrest warrant is a legal instrument a judge or magistrate grants that allow law enforcement agents to arrest a person. In Barrow County, arrest warrants are usually issued based on evidence suggesting that someone has committed a crime. Before issuing a warrant, a judge or magistrate reviews evidence from law enforcement or prosecutors. If there is sufficient probable cause, they authorize the warrant. The Civil/Transport Unit of the Sheriff’s Office is tasked with the service.

In Barrow County, warrants may be issued under the following circumstances:

  • Warrants are issued during criminal investigations when officers need to apprehend a suspect.
  • Warrants may be issued if a person fails to appear in court as required.
  • Violation of probation or parole can lead to the issuance of a warrant.
  • Indictments: Grand jury indictments often result in warrants for the accused.

Some of the information contained in a Barrow County arrest warrant includes:

  • Identity of the suspect
  • Details of the alleged offense
  • Issuing authority: Name and signature of the judge or magistrate who authorized the warrant.
  • Instructions or directives for executing the arrest.

Barrow County Arrest Warrant Search

Individuals searching for information on active arrest warrants in Barrow County can contact the Sheriff’s Office. The Barrow County Sheriff’s Office is at 233 E. Broad Street, Winder, GA 30680. Requesters can also call the Office at (770) 307-3080.

Do Barrow County Arrest Warrants Expire?

No, Barrow County has no statute of limitations or expiration date for arrest warrants. They are valid until served, which is when the culprit is apprehended. In exceptional situations, a judge may also overturn a warrant.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!